Kamis, 25 November 2010

Ice cream at Toko Oen Semarang Yummy

Ice cream - Calling culinary tour of Semarang, surely Toko Oen Youth who are on the road into the earliest restaurants mentioned. Stores that have survived three generations, with the typical presenting its flagship menu or taste the material preserved from generation to generation and believed it was never changed from the first.

Toko Oen, Semarang stood since 1933, current owner Yenni Kalalo represents the third generation of the store. The concept of this one was a typical restaurant, with its ancient buildings. Even if there is a refresher course on the interior.

Toko Oen, Semarang like icons, all tourists, especially from the Netherlands who visited Semarang always stop for a moment into this store.
Currently Toko Oen is no longer synonymous with parents, when we arrived and wanted to enjoy the food at the restaurant there are some young kids come in the restaurant founded by Liem Gien Nio, wife of Oen Hok Tjoen it.

Most of these young people come to enjoy a variety of ice cream in Toko Oen, according Antok Liem Oen ice cream shop manager of the most popular ice cream Oen Simphony and Tutty Fruity.

Both Ice cream is served with a very unique shape, to Oen Simphony is a game of color in the presentation of chocolate ice cream flavor is placed at the bottom, the next level there is a sense of vanilla ice cream, and do not miss bread cat tongue.

Even more interesting was making ice cream recipe is the same as when Toko Oen stand, Antok reveals recipes made since the first generation was deliberately maintained to keep the flavor Ice cream.

"It was never tested for several materials maker Ice cream is reduced, the resulting flavor was very different. So that to this day by the next generation Toko Oen still using the old Ice cream recipes without reducing the bit composition of the author," said Antok.

Ice cream recipes that have survived decades of it was indeed very enjoyable, its melted ice cream and soft in the mouth. To think of eIce cream itself is very delicious, of course Ice cream Oen Simphony worth Rp 17,500 is not expensive and well worth the flavor ice cream itself.

Antok add enjoy ice cream at Toko Oen is very enjoyable if interspersed nyemil some typical bread made STORES Oen like kaastengel (dry cheese cake) and kattetonge (cat's tongue cookies). (Wisanggeni/CN13)

Source: suaramerdeka.com

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